Viewing 145 - 160 out of 213 posts


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A Fair Wage:  Overtime Violations Can Prove Costly

Recent news stories about the recycling industry reported that it can be rife with wage and hour violations. Whether it is the nature of the work done by employees, or Read More


Starting a business can be one of the most exciting and lucrative decisions of a person’s life, but it can also be full of legal headaches if the entrepreneur is Read More

The Purpose and Importance of Bylaws

As corporations throughout the years have found out the hard way, changes to a company’s bylaws and policies can be met with reactions ranging from surprise to anger or disappointment.  Read More

Buying and Selling Real Estate: Easements

  California is a place that many come to seeking its warm weather, prosperous lifestyles, and of course, its beaches. As a tourist, individuals seeking to use the state’s beaches for Read More

FEHA’s Regulations

Effective April 1, 2016, many California employers must begin to comply with new regulations to the Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) prohibiting harassment and discrimination among employees, interns, volunteers, Read More

Explaining Successor Employers: What You Need to Know

A large employer recently made headlines when it was found to be in violation of labor laws for its attempts to avoid its successorship obligations. When an employer takes over Read More

Employment Matters: Religion in the Workplace

The U.S. Constitution protects the right of all citizens to practice the religion of their choice and prohibits government entities from establishing a “preferred” religion. What happens when an employee’s Read More

Moving Cargo: Liability and Loss Concerns

The United States is unique in its ability to provide services across its vast land via many routes over land, air, and sea. The shipping routes throughout the country are Read More

Lyft: An Alternate Approach to Litigation

  There are likely few people who have not heard of the phenomenon known as “ridesharing.”  The concept of calling for a ride from a complete stranger is not a new Read More

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Accountability at the Top

  Sexual harassment is a serious allegation and one that a company’s leadership cannot ignore, even if the alleged harasser is the founder of the organization. As many companies discover, the Read More

A Supreme Decision: Class Action Litigation

The United States Supreme Court generally offers the final word as to the interpretation of statutes and application of law when there is division among the lower courts. In a Read More

Managing Risk and Protecting Investments

Building a successful company is an exciting time, but also a time full of extreme amounts of stress and anxiety. One way to protect your company from the natural ebb Read More

A New Year, A New Beginning

Some may say that 2015 was the year of the independent contractor, given the surprising increase in the use by employers of these workers rather than hiring full time employees. Read More

A Unionized Workforce: Then and Now

When labor unions were first created, their purpose was to protect a labor force that was being overworked and often underpaid due to the overbearing demands of employers. Much has Read More

Negotiating Union Contracts

One of the last things an employer wants to hear is that its labor force has decided to strike.  Images of picket lines and lost customers float through the minds Read More

A New Uber Multi-Verse? Not Quite, but Expansion Increases Class Size by Thousands

In a State that includes Hollywood as well as Disneyland’s Star Wars expansion, it is difficult to hear much news other than all the hype surrounding Disney’s release of the Read More

Viewing 145 - 160 out of 213 posts


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